Friday, 17 March 2017 01:43

2022 ASAA Nationals Featured

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Wagin Airfield, Western Australia


 September 29th, 30th and 1st October

Available for setting up camping from Sunday 24th Sept at designated locations. Flying can commence Monday 25th provided an airways radio is being monitored for full-size aircraft and RFDS activity. Wagin township is about 2km away.

Those who camp at the field will have access to a generator. Shower and toilet facilities will be brought in for the duration. Anyone planning to use the camping area should contact a local organiser for assistance on arrival. Camping, including showers and toilets, is also available at the Wagin Showgrounds and Caravan Park. The usual fees for camping on Shire grounds apply. Fees for camping at the airfield are $5per per person per day to cover the cost of providing toilets and shower facilities. This will be collected at registration. A specified hangar will be available to shelter aircraft if the weather becomes unkind.



Registration begins at 9.00am Thursday till 5.00pm and again on Friday 7.00am-9.00am. The registration tent will be easy to spot. Pilots please do not forget to bring your heavy model registration and your MAAA membership cards. Fail safe settings for throttle will be checked during Thursday or prior to your first flight.

Thursday afternoon and evening we are running a Judging School, (experts willing and available!). The ASAA AGM will be on Saturday evening followed by a dinner at the Recreation Center (about 2km in Wagin itself). The ASAA Dinner is by invitation and pilots will find their ticket in the pilot pack. Additional tickets ($35.00) can be purchased on the ASAA Website until 14th September. Transport there and back will be by Community Bus.

Flying can only occur with the operation of an Airways Radio (on 126.70MHz). VF rules apply during practice and a 1000ft height restriction will be in place over the competition days.

Catering: The pilot registration fee includes breakfast and lunch over the three days of the competition. Hot water for coffee and tea provided and extra drinks can be purchased. The pilot pack will contain vouchers to redeem each meal or drink.

This is an event that has been promoted to the public in and around Perth as well as to people in the region. With State Government funding, public access and use of a full-size airfield comes a level of organisation and risk mitigation that places a high level of responsibility upon all concerned. At the pilots briefing the full guidelines will be covered.

Public entry to the event is free. Gold coin contributions will be solicited from the public with proceeds donated to the Royal Flying Doctor Service WA. Gifts for children will be handed out.

The competition is comprised of two main components - aerobatic sequences and a freestyle event. The aerobatic sequences are both known (previously published and flown by competitors around the country for 2017) and unknowns (published worldwide for this weekend only and never previously flown). Each day will showcase five levels of difficulty with 2 known rounds and one unknown round.

The freestyle event is separate, with one 4 minute routine flown per day. This is judged for skill, artistic merit, use of the aircrafts flying "envelope" . This will be the last item for each days flying. Usually this is spectacular, full of excitement with smoke and music for atmosphere. Come and see for yourself.


Setting up for Wagin Competition,  October 2016

Wagin Competition, September 2015



Read 2689857 times Last modified on Friday, 07 October 2022 08:53
Peter Bryner

I began R/C flying in about 2000 after a brief foray into RC modeling as a teenager.

I liked aerobatics and always tried to fly what I thought were the maneuvers. I saw Steve Coram fly at an open day at the KAMS field south of Perth. I was hooked, and it all looked so simple. Little did I realize what was to follow in order to fly at a fraction of his level of expertise.

I have been an active IMAC pilot in Western Australia, having joined the group at KAMS around 2003-4. I was inaugural President of Scale Aerobatics Western Australia (Inc) at the same time as the ASAA was being established in the east. In 2015 I served as stand-in President of the ASAA. Presently I am Secretary of the Scale Aerobatics Western Australia (Inc)

I have progressed slowly but steadily through the ranks despite some unexpected life events. I've attended interstate competitions in Katherine, Bendigo, Barossa and Yenda, until in 2016 I gained three promo points and won Advanced at the ASAA Nationals in Cootamundra.

What I've learned is that the first ingredient is a reliable aircraft which comes down to choosing good equipment and then putting it together so it won't fall apart the first violent maneuvere you make to correct that misbehaving thumb.

Secondly the plane needs to be appropriately trimmed and setup with rates that match your needs. Your setup will change as you need to execute more difficult and finessed figures.

Thirdly you need to read the rules and  the judging guide. Learn to judge by judging others as well as yourself. Modify your stick inputs, modify the travels to iron out your own mistakes. Downgrade what you see wrong according to the scoring criteria. Listen to fellow pilots about what they see, how they judge and appreciate the differences in perception. As you become a better pilot and a better judge your scores will improve despite the ever present inconsistent judging to which we humans are prone.

 I am in awe of the intensity and dedication one can dedicate to this sport - all to make flying look so easy.

We look froward to seeing you all at the WAGIN ASAA NATIONALS in SEPTEMBER 2017

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